+.╪ 天使.ゃ禁猎区′〢|

目前排名:第 12007 名


Sealed with A kiss
I'll see you in the sunlight
I'll hear your voice evry day in a letter
I'll run to tenderly hold you
But darling you won't be there
I don't wanna say good bye for the summer
Knowing the love we'll miss
Let us make a pledge to meet in September
And sealed it with a kiss


- 告诉莪.你不再爱莪
- Tell me, you no longer love me
- 告诉莪.你不再记得莪们的过去.
- Tell me, you no longer remember our to pass by
- 告诉莪.你不再对莪有任何留恋.
- Tell me, you no longer have to me any reluctant to part with
- 告诉莪.你不再与莪有关.
- Tell me, you no longer concern me
- 莪,真的放弃了.
- I, really gave up



恶魔,不够恶魔 【连载中】
  (又名《恶魔之公主依恋》)  有没有搞错?!左氏企业的公主竟然沦落到没钱可用的地步,幸好天无绝人之路,不过——保镖这个职业实在是太……还是给帅哥做保镖!  做保镖竟然把自己的心都赔上去了,这个骑士居然喜欢上要保卫的王子!  什么?原来她不是他的她,她只是个替身.甘愿充当骑士的
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